Description of
PC /AS round food covers:
Inside dia:214/239/264/288/315/364
The PC/AS food cover have beautiful looks and concentrate & special function
Advantages over metal,they keep food hot and appetizing.
Lightweigh,quiet,make handing easier and safer
Without pre-heating ,no deforming,no scratching,nodenting,no rusting or polishing like metal,clean and sanitary easier.
Heat,break and impact-resistant.
PC round food covers:
Super-tough,lightweight construction is unequelled in strength and durability.
High heat and break-resistant,can be used in heated carts or underheat lamps up to +99℃
AS round food Covers:
Lightweight,quiet and easy to handle ,keep food hot
Economical choice(not recommended for use in heated carts or in hotter place)
Item No. | Description | Material | Inside Dia.(mm) | Outside Ht.(mm) |
S-8RP / S-8RA | 8-inch Round Food Cover | PC / AC | Φ214 | 65 |
S-9RP / S-8RA | 9-inch Round Food Cover | PC / AC | Φ239 | 65 |
S-10RP /S-10RA | 10-inch Round Food Cover | PC / AC | Φ264 | 64 |
S-11RP / S-11RA | 11-inch Round Food Cover | PC / AC | Φ288 | 65 |
S-12RP / S-12RA | 12-inch Round Food Cover | PC / AC | Φ315 | 63 |
S-14RP / S-14RA | 14-inch Round Food Cover | PC / AC | Φ364 | 65 |